Friday, 23 December 2022

Estate Planning Attorney Clearfield Utah

Estate Planning Attorney Clearfield Utah

By definition, a real estate planning lawyer is an attorney who gives legal advice to clients who own assets that need to be managed during their incapacity or death. This includes the granting or release of these assets to heirs, and the payment of corresponding estate taxes to the state.

Basic Responsibilities of Estate Law Attorneys

Estate planning attorneys are responsible for the determination of specific distribution of their client’s estate to their heirs. They are also the most knowledgeable people who can give advice to clients who plan to set up a trust where assets are saved and reserved for a specific beneficiary. These law practitioners draft wills and other documents that revolve around trusts and estate planning.

Aside from taking care of estate plans and trusts, estate planning lawyers are the best persons who can give insights regarding retirement plans and life insurance laws. They also settle trusts, real estate plans, wills, and related deeds that need court litigation.

An effective estate law attorney is one who has a detailed knowledge of property, trust, wills, and state and federal tax laws. Actually, there are two kinds of estate law attorneys, the litigation real estate attorney and the transactional real estate attorney. Transactional attorneys work on the preparation of documents, review of the documents and negotiate terms, and perform other tasks to get things done on behalf of their clients. The litigation attorney on the other hand, works to resolve in the court of law, real estate transactions that have legal impediments.

What is Real Estate?

Real estate refers to a person’s assets, property or holdings. It is deemed as a person’s net worth at any given time, minus his liabilities. It is important to engage the services of an estate planning lawyer in the disposal or distribution of his estates because it makes the process more systematic and it helps to increase the estate value by way of reduced taxes and other expenses.

What is Probate?

Probate is the first and primary step in the legal procedure of managing a deceased person’s estate. It is the process of validating and approving a person’s will through the probate court. It makes the will a legal document which can be enforced. These are the most basic facts regarding real estate and estate planning lawyers. These will be your first step should you want to establish a trust or find a lawyer to work for the distribution of your estate.

Levels of Estate Planning In Clearfield Utah

The five levels of estate planning is a systematic approach for explaining estate planning in a way that you can easily follow. Which of the five levels you need to complete is based on your particular objectives and circumstances.

Level One: The Basic Plan

The situation for level one planning is that you have no will or living trust in place, or your existing will or living trust is outdated or inadequate. The objectives for this type of planning are to:
• reduce or eliminate estate taxes;
• avoid the cost, delays and publicity associated with probate in the event of death or incapacity; and
• protect heirs from their inability, their disability, their creditors and their predators, including ex-spouses.
To accomplish these objectives, you would use a pour-over will, a revocable living trust that allocates a married person’s estate between a credit shelter trust and a marital trust, general powers of attorney for financial matters and durable powers of attorney for health care and living wills.

Level Two: The Irrevocable Life Insurance Trust (ILIT)

The situation for level two planning is that your estate is projected to be greater than the estate-tax exemption. While there is a present lapse in the estate and generation-skipping transfer taxes, it’s likely that Congress will reinstate both taxes (perhaps even retroactively) sometime this year.

Level Three: Family Limited Partnerships

The situation for level three planning is that you have a projected estate-tax liability that exceeds the life insurance purchased in level two. If your $1 million gift-tax exemption ($2 million for married couples) is used to make lifetime gifts, the gifted property and all future appreciation and income on that property are removed from your estate. More people would be willing to make gifts to their children if they could continue to manage the gifted property. A family limited partnership (FLP) or a family limited liability company (FLLC) can play a valuable role in this situation. You would typically be the general partner or manager and in that capacity, continue to manage the FLP or FLLC’s assets. You can even take a reasonable management fee for your services as the general partner or manager. Moreover, by gifting FLP or FLLC interests to an ILIT, the FLP or FLLC’s income can be used to pay premiums, thereby freeing up your $13,000 / $26,000 annual gift-tax exclusion for other types of gifts.

Level Four: Qualified Personal Residence Trusts and Grantor Retained Annuity Trusts

The situation for level four planning is the additional need to reduce your estate after your $1 million/$2 million gift-tax exemption has been used. Although paying gift taxes is less expensive than paying estate taxes, most people do not want to pay gift taxes. There are several techniques to make substantial gifts to children and grandchildren without paying significant gift taxes.

One technique is a qualified personal residence trust (QPRT). A QPRT allows you to transfer a residence or vacation home to a trust for the benefit of your children, while retaining the right to use the residence for a term of years. By retaining the right to occupy the residence, the value of the remainder interest is reduced, along with the taxable gift.

Another technique is a grantor retained annuity (GRAT). A GRAT is similar to a QPRT. The typical GRAT is funded with income-producing property such as subchapter S stock or FLP or FLLC interests. The GRAT pays you a fixed annuity for a specified term of years. Because of the retained annuity, the gift to the remaindermen (your children) is substantially less than the current value of the property. Both QPRTs and GRATs can be designed with terms long enough to reduce the value of the remainder interest passing to your children to a nominal amount or even to zero. However, if you do not survive the stated term, the property is included in your estate. Therefore, it is recommended that an ILIT be funded as a “hedge” against your death prior to the end of the stated term.

Level Five: The Zero Estate-Tax Plan

Level five planning is a desire to “disinherit” the IRS. The strategy combines gifts of life insurance with gifts to charity. For example, take a married couple; both age 55, with a $20 million estate. Assume that there is neither growth nor depletion of the assets and that both spouses die in a year when the estate-tax exemption is $3.5 million, and the top estate-tax rate is 45%. With the typical marital credit shelter trust, when the first spouse dies, $3.5 million is allocated to the credit shelter trust and $16.5 million to the marital trust. No federal estate tax is due. However, at the surviving spouse’s death, the estate tax due is $5.85 million. The net result is that the children inherit only $14.15 million.

With the zero estate-tax plan, the ILIT (with generation-skipping provisions) is funded with a $13 million second-to-die life insurance policy. These gifts reduce the estate value to $18 million. In addition, the couple’s living trusts each leave $3.5 million (the amount exempt from estate taxes) to their children upon the surviving spouse’s death. The balance of their estate ($11 million) passes to a public charity or private foundation-estate-tax free. To summarize, the zero estate-tax plan delivers $20 million (i.e., $13 million from the ILIT and $7 million from the living trusts) to the children instead of $14.15 million; the charity receives $11 million instead of nothing; and the IRS receives nothing, instead of $5.85 million.

In summary, with some advanced planning, it is possible to reduce estate taxes, avoid probate, set forth your wishes, and protect your heirs from creditors, ex-spouses and estate taxes.

An estate planning lawyer can help individuals create a last will or establish a trust to protect inheritance assets in the event of their death. It is important to select a probate law attorney who listens to your needs and provides sound advice for developing strategies which benefit designated beneficiaries.

Recently, a colleague hired an estate planning lawyer to assist with her terminally-ill mother’s estate.

Although her mother was not a wealthy woman, she owned a home, automobile and held financial portfolios and life insurance policies. The estate attorney was referred through her mother’s credit union. Considerable family strife existed within the family and her mother wanted to disinherit one of her sons. The estate planner executed a simple will and provided strategies to prevent assets from passing through probate.

Due to the nature of illness, the woman’s daughter did not have time to consult with multiple probate law firms. Instead, she was forced to work with an asset protection attorney who had no prior knowledge of her mother, family dynamics, or how she intended to distribute inheritance assets.

The credit union closed their estate planning division due to budget cuts. The daughter was not informed of this and only discovered she no longer had a lawyer for probate after her mother passed away. This created chaos for the daughter who was designated as the probate executor.

To make matters worse, the estate administrator resided in another state. She was forced to locate a new probate litigation attorney just days before returning home. During their meeting, the man expressed no interest in her mother’s estate and was unable to provide advice on how to protect her mother’s Will from being contested by the disinherited son.

Fortunately, she was well-versed in estate planning and had taken steps to obtain asset protection. Because the remainder of the estate was small, the Administrator was able to avoid probate and settle her mother’s estate within a few months.

This goes to show things can go dreadfully wrong when estate planning is put off until a person is terminally ill. Many unwanted issues can arise when trusts and estates are executed during the final weeks of a person’s life.

This is of importance when executing a last will and testament and distributing assets amongst dysfunctional families. When probate estate planning is conducted in the final stages of life, disinherited heirs can contest the will by claiming the decedent was not of sound mine or under the influence of another’s persuasion. When Wills are contested, estates can be suspended in probate for months or years and potentially bankrupt the estate.

Estate and trust planning should be initiated while you are in good health. Hiring an estate planning probate lawyer ensures your final wishes will be followed when you die. It also eliminates stress from the appointed probate personal representative. To find estate planning probate lawyers visit the American Bar Association website, seek out lawyer referral networks, or browse local telephone directories. Interview a minimum of four lawyers. Ask for referrals and follow-up. With the repeal of the estate tax (and generation skipping tax or “GST”), you may have put your estate plan on hold. This could be a serious mistake and put your family’s (and business’) financial future in jeopardy! You need an estate plan whether or not the estate tax (and GST) applies to you. Tax avoidance (or more accurately, minimizing the estate tax) is not the only reason to establish your estate plan.

Do Not Let the State Distribute Your Estate!

The primary focus of most estate plans is to determine how to distribute your assets. If you do not have an estate plan, the state imposes its plan on you, and the state’s succession statutes will determine how your assets are distributed. To avoid having the state decide who is entitled to your assets and how much they will receive you need to have an estate plan.

Rule From the Grave

Perhaps one of the most powerful tools an estate plan can provide is the peace of mind that your hopes and goals for your children will be relevant after you are gone. By transferring your assets through a trust, rather than outright, you can provide substantial limitations on the distributions from the trust. Your lawyer can help craft provisions that link distributions from the trust to certain requirements or goals you wish to impose.

For example, a trust could prohibit or limit distributions to a beneficiary until they reach a certain age or obtain a college degree. On the other hand, the trust can also provide a beneficiary with the right to withdraw funds from to help them with their education, pay for a wedding a house or open a business.

With an estate plan, you can also provide substantial protections to your surviving spouse, your children and the other beneficiaries of your trust. In general, debts and judgments against a trust beneficiary may not be satisfied from trust assets and a beneficiary cannot be forced to demand a distribution. The use of a trust is also effective in keeping the assets separate from a beneficiary’s spouse; this reduces the likelihood of your assets ending up in the hands of a divorcing spouse.

Do Not Delay Have Your Say!

If you have children who are minors, you need to establish who will care for them if you pass away. This may especially important if your child’s other parent is remarried, absent, or otherwise ill-prepared to handle the responsibility of raising your children. Again, if you do not name guardians for your children, the state could appoint someone for them, particularly if your child receives an inheritance. A properly drafted estate plan will address who will be the guardian for your children. You can assign the responsibilities to one or more persons – i.e., one person can be responsible for the general welfare of your child, while another guardian can be solely responsible for their finances.

Plot Your Own Fate and Avoid Probate!

Probate – the administration and distribution of your estate through the probate courts- can be an expensive, time-consuming process. However, with the proper planning it can be easily avoided. Estate planning is especially important to avoid probate when you own real estate in more than one state. You probably have taken certain steps that can help you avoid probate, such as placing your home and bank accounts in joint ownership or providing for rights of survivor ship, and completing beneficiary designations for your 401K/IRA and insurance policies. These steps help avoid probate, but only to a certain degree. These steps often do not allow for more complex distributions.

In addition, these steps only provide for limited distribution/access on your death, but do not address or offer any instruction on how you wish to be treated and cared for if you become disabled, incapacitated, or temporarily unable to make decisions for yourself. Worse yet, these steps may not offer your loved ones the access to your funds, accounts and other assets to pay for your care if you become incapacitated. To avoid probate, you need to need to ensure your property, 401Ks, bank accounts are titled properly and your wishes are properly documented.

Free Initial Consultation with Lawyer

It’s not a matter of if, it’s a matter of when. Legal problems come to everyone. Whether it’s your son who gets in a car wreck, your uncle who loses his job and needs to file for bankruptcy, your sister’s brother who’s getting divorced, or a grandparent that passes away without a will -all of us have legal issues and questions that arise. So when you have a law question, call Ascent Law for your free consultation (801) 676-5506. We want to help you!

Michael R. Anderson, JD

Ascent Law LLC
8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C
West Jordan, Utah
84088 United States

Telephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
4.9 stars – based on 67 reviews

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The post Estate Planning Attorney Clearfield Utah first appeared on Ascent Law, LLC.


Thursday, 22 December 2022

Trust Dos And Don’ts

Trust Types
Trust Dos And Don’ts

A trust is the legal relationship between one person, the trustee, having an equitable ownership or management of certain property and another person, the beneficiary, owning the legal title to that property. The beneficiary is entitled to the performance of certain duties and the exercise of certain powers by the trustee, which performance may be enforced by a court of equity. Most trusts are founded by the persons (called trustors, settlors and/or donors) who execute a written declaration of trust which establishes the trust and spells out the terms and conditions upon which it will be conducted. The declaration also names the original trustee or trustees, successor trustees or means to choose future trustees. The assets of the trust are usually given to the trust by the creators, although assets may be added by others. During the life of the trust, profits and, sometimes, a portion of the principal, called the “corpus”, may be distributed to the beneficiaries, and the remainder to is usually distributed upon the occurrence of an event, such as the death of the creator. A trust may be created as an alternative to a will in order to avoid probate and higher taxation. There are many types of trusts, including “revocable trusts”, created to handle the trustors’ assets (with the trustor acting as initial trustee), also called a “living trust” or “inter vivo trust”, which only becomes irrevocable on the death of the first trustor; “irrevocable trust,” which cannot be changed at any time; “charitable remainder unitrust,” which provides for eventual guaranteed distribution of the corpus (assets) to charity, providing a substantial tax benefit. There are also “constructive” and “resulting” trusts declared by a court for equitable reasons over property held by someone for its owner. A “testamentary trust” can be created by a will to manage assets given to beneficiaries.

Types of Trusts

A trust is a legal document that can be created during a person’s lifetime and survive the person’s death. A trust can also be created by a will and formed after death. Once assets are put into the trust they belong to the trust itself (such as a bank account), not the trustee (person). They remain subject to the rules and instructions of the trust contract. In essence, a trust is a right to money or property, which is held in a fiduciary relationship by one person or bank for the benefit of another. The trustee is the one who holds title to the trust property, and the beneficiary is the person who receives the benefits of the trust.

Revocable Trusts

Revocable trusts are created during the lifetime of the trust-maker and can be altered, changed, modified or revoked entirely. Often called a living trust, these are trusts in which the trust-maker:
• Transfers the title of a property to a trust
• Serves as the initial trustee
• Has the ability to remove the property from the trust during his or her lifetime

Revocable trusts are extremely helpful in avoiding probate. If ownership of assets is transferred to a revocable trust during the lifetime of the trust-maker so that it is owned by the trust at the time of the trust-maker’s death, the assets will not be subject to probate. Although useful to avoid probate, a revocable trust is not an asset protection technique as assets transferred to the trust during the trust-maker’s lifetime will remain available to the trust-maker’s creditors. It does make it more somewhat more difficult for creditors to access these assets since the creditor must petition a court for an order to enable the creditor to get to the assets held in the trust. Typically, a revocable trust evolves into an irrevocable trust upon the death of the trust-maker.

Irrevocable Trust

An irrevocable trust is one that cannot be altered, changed, modified or revoked after its creation. Once a property is transferred to an irrevocable trust, no one, including the trust maker, can take the property out of the trust. It is possible to purchase survivorship life insurance, the benefits of which can be held by an irrevocable trust. This type of survivorship life insurance can be used for estate tax planning purposes in large estates; however, survivorship life insurance held in an irrevocable trust can have serious negative consequences.

Asset Protection Trust

An asset protection trust is a type of trust that is designed to protect a person’s assets from claims of future creditors. These types of trusts are often set up in countries outside of the United States, although the assets do not always need to be transferred to the foreign jurisdiction. The purpose of an asset protection trust is to insulate assets from creditor attack. These trusts are normally structured so that they are irrevocable for a term of years and so that the trust-maker is not a current beneficiary. An asset protection trust is normally structured so that the undistributed assets of the trust are returned to the trust-maker upon the termination of the trust provided there is no current risk of creditor attack, thus permitting the trust-maker to regain complete control over the formerly protected assets.

Charitable Trust

Charitable trusts are trusts which benefit a particular charity or the public in general. Typically charitable trusts are established as part of an estate plan to lower or avoid the imposition of estate and gift tax. A charitable remainder trust (CRT) funded during the grantor’s lifetime can be a financial planning tool, providing the trust-maker with valuable lifetime benefits. In addition to the financial benefits, there is the intangible benefit of rewarding the trust-maker’s altruism as charities usually immediately honor the donors who have named the charity as the beneficiary of a CRT.

Constructive Trust

A constructive trust is an implied trust. An implied trust is established by a court and is determined by certain facts and circumstances. The court may decide that, even though there was never a formal declaration of a trust, there was an intention on the part of the property owner that the property is used for a particular purpose or go to a particular person. While a person may take legal title to a property, equitable considerations sometimes require that the equitable title of such property really belongs to someone else.

Special Needs Trust

A special needs trust is one that is set up for a person who receives government benefits so as not to disqualify the beneficiary from such government benefits. This is completely legal and permitted under the Social Security rules provided that the disabled beneficiary cannot control the amount or the frequency of trust distributions and cannot revoke the trust. Ordinarily, when a person is receiving government benefits, an inheritance or receipt of a gift could reduce or eliminate the person’s eligibility for such benefits. By establishing a trust, which provides for luxuries or other benefits which otherwise could not be obtained by the beneficiary, the beneficiary can obtain the benefits from the trust without defeating his or her eligibility for government benefits. Usually, a special needs trust has a provision that terminates the trust in the event that it could be used to make the beneficiary ineligible for government benefits. Special needs have a specific legal definition and are defined as the requisites for maintaining the comfort and happiness of a disabled person when such requisites are not being provided by any public or private agency. Special needs can include medical and dental expenses, equipment, education, treatment, rehabilitation, eyeglasses, transportation (including vehicle purchase), maintenance, insurance (including payment of premiums of insurance on the life of the beneficiary), essential dietary needs, spending money, electronic and computer equipment, vacations, athletic contests, movies, trips, money with which to purchase gifts, payments for a companion, and other items to enhance self-esteem. The list is quite extensive. Parents of a disabled child can establish a special needs trust as part of their general estate plan and not worry that their child will be prevented from receiving benefits when they are not there to care for the child. Disabled persons who expect an inheritance or other large sum of money may establish a special needs trust themselves, provided that another person or entity is named as trustee.

Spendthrift Trust

A trust that is established for a beneficiary that does not allow the beneficiary to sell or pledge away interests in the trust is known as a spendthrift trust. It is protected from the beneficiaries’ creditors, until such time as the trust property is distributed out of the trust and given to the beneficiaries.

Tax By-Pass Trust

A tax by-pass trust is a type of trust that is created to allow one spouse to leave money to the other while limiting the amount of federal estate tax that would be payable on the death of the second spouse. While assets can pass to a spouse tax-free, when the surviving spouse dies, the remaining assets over and above the exempt limit would be taxable to the children of the couple, potentially at a rate of 55 percent. A tax by-pass trust avoids this situation and saves the children perhaps hundreds of thousands of dollars in federal taxes, depending upon the value of the estate.

Totten Trust

A Totten trust is one that is created during the lifetime of the grantor by depositing money into an account at a financial institution in his or her name as the trustee for another. This is a type of revocable trust in which the gift is not completed until the grantor’s death or an unequivocal act reflecting the gift during the grantor’s lifetime. An individual or an entity can be named as the beneficiary. Upon death, Totten trust assets avoid probate. A Totten trust is used primarily with accounts and securities in financial institutions such as savings accounts, bank accounts, and certificates of deposit. A Totten trust cannot be used with real property. It provides a safer method to pass assets on to family than using joint ownership.

To create a Totten trust, the title on the account should include identifying language, such as “In Trust For,” “Payable on Death To,” “As Trustee For,” or the identifying initials for each, “IFF,” “POD,” “ATF.” If this language is not included, the beneficiary may not be identifiable. A Totten trust has been called a “poor man’s” trust because a written trust document is typically not involved and it often costs the trust maker nothing to establish.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Living Trusts

Regardless of whatever else you may have heard there are only two ways to avoid probate: don’t die and don’t own anything. The living trust attempts to accomplish the second way of avoiding probate, no one having yet discovered how to accomplish the first. As an estate planning tool, a living trust is neither inherently good nor inherently bad. It has certain advantages and certain disadvantages. Whether its use is appropriate depends upon the particulars and is a matter for individual determination. But first, a little background. Probate is simply the procedure for transferring a decedent’s assets, either by that person’s will or by state statute if there is no will. In the overwhelming majority of cases, the system functions smoothly and without undue delay or expense. It is the rare, but sometimes colorful case in which the estate is tied up for years and burdened by enormous legal fees and administrative expenses – whether because of a will contest or other disputes among the heirs or because of disputed claims against the estate – that provides grist for the mill of the “avoid probate” industry. You might not know it from the sales pitches, but a “living trust’ is nothing new as an estate planning mechanism. It has been around for years under the more traditional names “revocable trust” and “inter vivo trust,” literally, a trust “between the living.” If it tells you nothing else, the Latin name tells you that the concept is very traditional. A living or revocable trust is one created by a person while living that may be revoked or modified by that person without the consent of any other person. The creator of the trust, called the “settler” or “grantor,” can be his or her own trustee and can designate a successor trustee or trustees in the event of incapacity or death. The settlor is typically the beneficiary of the trust during his or her life, and designates in the trust document who will be the beneficiaries upon his or her death.

The use of a revocable trust “to avoid probate” requires that the trust be funded with all or substantially all of the settlor’s assets during the settlor’s life. It is in this way that the revocable trust enables the settler to follow the aforementioned advice, “don’t own anything.” The assets have passed from individual ownership to ownership by the trust. Thus, when the settlor dies there is nothing in the estate (assuming no further acquisitions) and nothing to “probate,” even though the settler, as beneficiary, has enjoyed the use of the trust assets during his or her life. There can be additional advantages of such trusts, beyond probate avoidance. For example, if the settler is successful in avoiding probate, the size and distribution of the estate can be kept confidential, unlike probate proceedings which are matters of public record. Also, the assets of a living trust can typically be distributed to beneficiaries sooner than is possible in the probate of an estate. Living trusts also can be an excellent way of keeping records and managing property. Another argument for living trusts is that confidentiality of trust provisions and avoidance of court procedures tend to reduce the likelihood of the equivalent of a will contest.

A major disadvantage of a living trust is the cost associated with its preparation and funding. The paperwork is more complex for a living trust than for a will and the attorney’s fee is typically larger. Property that passes by title, for example, real estate and vehicles, has to be transferred formally from individual ownership to trust ownership. More paperwork and more expense. Beneficiary designations to property such as insurance policies and bank accounts may also need to be changed. For an estate with fairly extensive property and complex dispositions, the cost of preparing and funding a living trust can be two or three times the cost of a will with equivalent dispositions. People who choose a living trust over a will are essentially doing much of their own probate before their death, similar to the way that some people plan their own funerals. As a result, they are paying costs and performing work now that would otherwise be deferred until after death and then paid by their estate and performed by their Personal Representative. There is nothing wrong with this of course, as long as a person realizes that is what he is doing. Additionally, the formalities of setting up and funding a living trust must be observed and records kept to reflect that observance throughout the settlor’s life if the transfer of the assets is to occur smoothly and without probate when the settlor dies.

Again, more paperwork and transaction expenses to keep the trust current. Unfortunately, many people lack the self-discipline necessary to keep their affairs in the order required by a living trust after they have established one. The costs to set up, maintain, and administer a living trust are generally at least the same as the costs of a will plus probate. With a living trust those costs are loaded toward the front end, with a will toward the back end. On occasion, there is a distinct advantage to opening a probate case even where the decedent had a trust and all the decedent’s property had been placed in the trust. The probate process allows for publication of a “Notice To Creditors,” which in effect imposes a very short statute of limitations on claims against the estate. Trust administration procedures do not provide for this, so any claims against the trust are subject only to their ordinary limitations periods.

Free Initial Consultation with Lawyer

It’s not a matter of if, it’s a matter of when. Legal problems come to everyone. Whether it’s your son who gets in a car wreck, your uncle who loses his job and needs to file for bankruptcy, your sister’s brother who’s getting divorced, or a grandparent that passes away without a will -all of us have legal issues and questions that arise. So when you have a law question, call Ascent Law for your free consultation (801) 676-5506. We want to help you!

Michael R. Anderson, JD

Ascent Law LLC
8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C
West Jordan, Utah
84088 United States

Telephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
4.9 stars – based on 67 reviews

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The post Trust Dos And Don’ts first appeared on Ascent Law, LLC.


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